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Probes/primers found for taxon: Xanthomonas
Hit typeShort nameName (Alm et al.)Specificity
ExactKO 204S-*-Xanth-0210-a-A-18Xanthomonas translucens, X. albiineans, X. melonis, X. sacchari, X. hyacinthi, X. campestris
ExactSteXan2Xanthomonas and some Stenotrophomonas
ExactXAN818Xanthomonas branch
SpecGAM42a_A1041_A1040Representatives of the Xanthomonas group and the Alphaproteobacteria, Brevundimonas diminuta
SpecGAM42a_T1038Representatives of the Xanthomonas group
SpecGAM42a_T1038_G1031Representatives of the Xanthomonas group
SpecSteXan3Stenotrophomonas cluster and Xanthomonas sacchari cluster (including X. campestris, X. translucens, X. sacchari, X. hyacithi, X. albilineans, X. melonis)
SpecXancamXanthomonas campestris
SpecXano3Xanthomonas anoxopodis
SpecXano4Xanthomonas anoxopodis
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