Probes/primers found for taxon: Sterolibacterium
Hit type | Short name | Name (Alm et al.) | Specificity |
Exact | STEBA1426 | S-*-Steba-1426-a-A-18 | Some members of the Sterolibacterium lineage |
Exact | STEBA214 | S-*-Steba-0214-a-A-18 | Few members of the Sterolibacterium lineage (clones SBR1001, SBR2080, and GC24) |
Exact | STEBA448 | S-*-Steba-0448-a-A-18 | Some members of the Sterolibacterium lineage (activated sludge clones S28, A13, S40, H12, H23, and H20) |
Exact | STEBA468 | S-*-Steba-0468-a-A-18 | Some members of the Sterolibacterium lineage (activated sludge clones S28, A13, S40, H12, H23, and H20) |
Exact | STEBA635 | S-*-Steba-0635-a-A-18 | Few members of the Sterolibacterium lineage (activated sludge clones S28 and A13) |
Exact | STEBA643 | S-*-Steba-0643-a-A-18 | Few members of the Sterolibacterium lineage (activated sludge clones S40, H12, H23, and H20) |
Spec | TH14 (RHC175b) | S-*-RHC-0175-b-A-18 | Some Thauera, Azoarcus, Zoogloea, Sterolibacterium, and Azovibrio spp. |